Tips and solutions for your internet

Here you will find different ways to establish an Internet connection on your site. 🌐

What do you want to learn more about?

☑️ Part 1: Connect your Wingfield Box to the internet

☑️ Part 2: Internet at my facility


💡Tip: Check your current internet contract first. In most cases, they have been running for a very long time and a change to a new contract will most likely be worthwhile! If your connection is fast enough (upload speed according to contract at least 5 mbit/s) and you are satisfied with the services, you can continue right away.


You can check the Internet speed with a speed test, for example. For accurate results, it is best to connect directly to your router.

Part 1: Connect your Wingfield Box to the internet 

Depending on how much you have already invested in IT-infrastructure, there are many ways to connect the Wingfield Box to your network. We recommend the following options in the appropriate order:

Cabling 🔌

Good for: Indoor, short distances, existing cable runs



The most uncomplicated (but not always most efficient) option is the direct cable connection. It is particularly recommended if network cables have already been laid (e.g. for lighting or access control in the indoor facility) or if further construction measures are still planned (e.g. new pipes for irrigation systems for outdoor courts).

☝🏼 By the way: A standard network cable is required for all connections to the Wingfield Box (type CAT6a or better - see scope of delivery). As the distances from the router to the Wingfield Box can vary greatly from club to club, this cable is not part of our standard scope of delivery. You can order cables recommended by us in our accessories shop.

WIFI repeater 📶

Good for: Indoor, existing WIFI on court

Your facility is already well equipped and you just want to connect the Wingfield Box to your existing network? Then simply expand your network with a repeater with LAN output (for example: this one). They are easy to set up and can connect to almost any network.

💡 Tip:  It is best to first check which manufacturer your other WIFI devices are from. Usually, they offer their own solutions for expanding the network, which even works without additional setup!

☝🏼By the way: Wingfield boxes delivered from April 2023 onwards have an integrated WLAN receiver. A LAN connection to the repeater is therefore not mandatory.

WIFI-Mesh-System 📡

Good for: Outdoor, new networks, complex cable installation

A bit more complicated, but connected without digging trenches or breaking through walls, is a so-called "mesh system". The idea behind this is similar to a WIFI repeater, but the wireless connection is much faster and more stable.

☝🏼By the way: More devices can be connected "one after the other" and thus a greater distance can be covered. Big advantage: When setting it up, you automatically ensure a good WIFI coverage throughout your entire facility. Clear added value!

PowerLan (partially recommended)🔋

Good for: Indoor, short distances with existing power connection

In common households, "Internet from the outlet" is often resorted to in order to expand the network. This can work well in some cases and save work, but often causes a lot of trouble.

Since very large electrical loads - such as lighting - are connected to the circuits in indoor facilities, the basic technology of PowerLan can be impaired. If you still want to test such a solution, we recommend that you buy high-quality devices (e.g. from TP-Link) and test the connection beforehand with the lights completely switched on.

Part 2: Internet at my facility 

⚠️ Attention: We do not receive any commission for our recommendations and only want to help you find the best rate. 

☝🏼By the way: Talking about data volume, you can calculate with about 1GB per hour of use. At moderate usage, 100GB, and at high usage 200GB per month should be sufficient.

Cable // DSL:

Comparison portals such as Check24, Verivox or allow you to compare rates for several providers at a glance and sign your contract directly. Pay attention to the following criteria when comparing:

  • No speed restriction
  • Upload-Speed ≧ 10Mbit/s

For such a contract you have to calculate about 20-40€ per month and don't have to worry about data volume or the anything like that. In most cases, you can also purchase a telephone connection or television for your facility at no extra charge.

You can check the availability for your address either on a comparison portal (see above) or directly with the provider:

➡️ Telekom

➡️ Vodafone

➡️ O2

➡️ 1&1

For the big 4 providers in Germany, for example, these would be the following contracts (as of 10.03.2021):

💡Tip: Most providers have an offer for customers with an existing contract where you can switch up to six months before the old contract expires without any extra costs!

➡️ Magenta home M

💡 Tip: Here you can also book "Hybrid LTE". This promises not only reliability, but also an increased range of up to 50Mbit/s, if your connection should be very busy.


➡️ Red Internet & Phone Cable 100

➡️ Red Internet 100 DSL

💡 Tip: Vodafone offers Internet via DSL lines as well as your cable connection. If there is no LTE in your facility, you can still get a fast line with a cable contract.

➡️ O2 my home M 

➡️ O2 my home M LTE

💡 Tip: O2 is the first German provider to offer unlimited Internet access via LTE. The ideal solution if neither DSL nor cable is available at your facility. You can find more rates with LTE under mobile data.

➡️ DSL 50

⚠️ Attention: The recommended upload speed of 5 mbit/s ensures that the videos are quickly available after finishing a session. However, the court also works with slower internet.

If you don't have the possibility to bring this speed to the court, it's best to talk to our service. We will then determine whether your goals can be achieved with the Wingfield Court even with slow Internet.

Mobile data:

Meanwhile, many providers (similar to O2) also offer LTE-only contracts. These are a good solution if, for example, no DSL solution can be implemented or you have to bridge the waiting time until the installation. In addition, you can place the router directly next to the court!

⚠️ Attention: Be sure to check the reception at your location before finalizing!

O2 Homespot

As already mentioned in the section Cable // DSL, O2 is the only company to offer an unlimited LTE contract. You can do an availability check here.

Congstar Homespot
You'll find the most casual contract at Congstar. Here, you have the option to add and subtract from the contract on a monthly basis. So it is well suited for seasonal users who are only looking for an Internet solution for outdoor courts. However, at €45 per 200GB, it is only worthwhile compared to other contracts if you really need to take a break or if no other network is available.

Vodafone Gigacube
Also at around 45€ per 200GB, but with a fixed contract period, the Gigacube offers greater flexibility. The Gigacube can be used everywhere in Germany and would therefore be an alternative if the location is changed several times a year.


Internet from space?! 🛰

Starlink's internet access is also only slightly more expensive than a normal DSL connection. For a one-time purchase price and monthly costs of 65€, you get an unlimited data flat rate, which currently already provides you with about 50 to 200 Mbit/s downstream.


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You're on the court right now and don't know what to do? We are there for you!

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 Let's go ahead and plan your installation together. Arrange a meeting with our installation support now. 👨🏼‍🔧