Here you will find helpful hints on how to integrate Wingfield into your booking system.
Checklist for a perfect integration
☑️ Make it visible: Rename your court in the booking tool as "Wingfield Court".
☑️ Inform new users: Some visitors may have never heard about Wingfield. Briefly inform them about the possibilities again and link to the page where you present your Wingfield Court.
⚠️ Attention: We strongly recommend not to charge extra fees for Wingfield! Your members will benefit from the tools mainly through regular use. Experiences from other clubs have shown that additional fees become a limiting factor.
Good practices from other clubs
This client has opened a separate Wingfield section in the drop-down menu of his booking tool. Here, they not only promote and explain their Wingfield Court but also refer to its specific areas of application in LK matches and training.
💡Tip: Always assume that you need to address both those who already know Wingfield and those who are not yet familiar with Wingfield.
In its booking interface, the client has renamed court 1 to "Wingfield Court". This creates visibility and, above all, clarity for those who do not know on which court the system was installed.
Two booking options were created for court 1 in order to actively promote the LK option (only available in Germany!). The price of the double lesson was set slightly lower than the regular hourly rate.
💡Tip: Instead of LK-Matches, other booking options are also conceivable. For example, if you rent out a ball machine to your members, you can make interactive drill sessions bookable as a product in combination with Wingfield. Create a new offer for individual players and demonstrate clear use cases for Wingfield at the same time.
Make your start with Wingfield a success!
Next milestone reached! 🎉 Follow our marketing guide to ensure that every member knows about your new offer.
- 1️⃣ Integration on your website ✔️
- 2️⃣ Integration into your booking tool ✔️
- 3️⃣ Increase visibility at your facility
- 4️⃣ Announcing Wingfield at your club
➡️ Continue with step 3: Increase visibility at your facility
We are happy to support you in getting the best out of your Wingfield Court.
📞 Service hotline: +49 (0) 511 51525901
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Make an appointment with one of our Customer Success experts and learn how other clubs introduced their Wingfield Courts.