Here you find helpful tips and materials for marketing your new LK offering.
The Wingfield Court will become the official match arena. Starting on June 15, 2021, your members and customers will have the opportunity to have matches validated by Wingfield at any time and thus be rated for the Generali performance class. In this article you will find helpful information on the following topics...
💸 1) General info on cost structure
📣 2) Application tips for our LK marketing kit
🗺 3) Visibility of your club in Wingfield Court Finder
1) On the cost structure
With the match validation, the DTB and us are now bringing innovation to match play. Your players can use the new service flexibly. Costs are only charged if the service is used and will be collected after a match has been validated.
How much do LK matches with Wingfield cost?
For the processing and validation of LK matches we charge a fee of 12,99 EUR per player* with a Basic Account. For players with a Wingfield Pro Account the fee is only 9,99 EUR. The payment method stored in the Wingfield account will be automatically charged with the corresponding amount after the validation.
Share in LK revenue
As operator of the Wingfield Court, 5.00 EUR (incl. VAT) will be paid back to you for each LK match played on your court. Use this income stream to make your Wingfield Court fully or partially self-financing. So it is worth it to bang the advertising drum.
2) Download and use of our marketing kit
To make your members aware of the new LK offer and to establish your club as an LK location, you will find special materials for your marketing in our Club Marketing Kit.
First, download the LK Marketing Kit. Here you will find images and videos for social media as well as text elements and the official press release for your newsletter or press work.
Instructions, tutorials and application examples can be found in the individual sections of this article.
⚠️ Warning: To access all files, download the entire folder. To do this, click on the download icon in the first folder level.
Social Media
Post the videos LK_Kampagnenspot_wide (16:9) and the longer version LK_Kampagnenspot (long)_square (1:1) in your Instagram or Facebook feed. To generate more reach, always add the hashtags #wingfield, #wingfieldtennis, #DTBTennis and #MakeItOfficial to your post description and link @wingfieldtennis and @deutscher_tennis_bund under your posts.
In order for your posts to be shared via the official Wingfield account, also tag @wingfieldtennis and @deutscher_tennis_bund
The videos in portrait format (9:16) are ideal for generating further attention via the high-engagement formats such as Instagram Stories or Instagram Reels. In addition to hashtags and links, Instagram offers additional options for editing your content.
- Post the three videos (LK_Kampagnenspot_1-3) in 9:16 as an Instagram Reel or Instagram Story.
- Tag @wingfieldtennis and @deutscher_tennis_bund in your post and add the hashtags to the description (note: only one hashtag can be added in Instagram Stories!).
Use the images in 1:1 format whenever you want to draw attention to your LK offer.
You should always communicate news or updates about Wingfield to your users through your channels. This also applies to the match validation service. Think carefully about what would make your players particularly excited about the new possibilities and what information they need in advance.
The category about LK matches with Wingfield here in our Help Center provides very comprehensive information about the LK offer - but maybe too detailed for a first announcement. In the following text blocks for your newsletter you will find helpful links, which you can use for a general announcement as well as for further information.
💡Hint: No matter what your intentions are with your emails, you should always be careful not to overwhelm your readers with too much information. Including images and videos not only emotionally charges your emails, but also usually makes information more "digestible".
📝 Text suggestions | Announcement
[...] Who does not know it? You really want to improve your LK but often the already limited free time simply cannot be aligned with the team match schedule. The DTB and Wingfield are tackling this problem and bringing the LK offer to the players - they should be able to decide more spontaneously when and where they want to play the next LK match. Advanced technology makes it possible.
[...] the Generali Leistungsklasse is digitally revolutionised and the Wingfield Court becomes the venue for LK matches. Meet on the Wingfield Court, play an official LK match, have the result checked automatically, and move up in your LK. From June 15, 2021, it will also be possible to play LK matches at our club - whenever you want.[...] Flexibility is a top priority for the upcoming expansion of the existing LK offer. The DTB and Wingfield want to offer uncomplicated possibilities to collect LK points also outside of official LK tournaments and team matches.
[...] While the Wingfield Court has provided players with exciting statistics and highlight videos so far, it is now getting another upgrade: Matches can now be checked by the technology to ensure that they are played according to the rules and can thus be validated for the Generali Performance Class. The court becomes its own referee that automatically confirms the results and forwards them to the DTB.
📝 Text suggestions | How it works
To be able to use a Wingfield Court, you first have to download the free Wingfield App from the Apple Store or Google Play Store and create a user account. This account is used to log in to the Wingfield Court so that match data and videos can be synchronised with the app after the match.
In order to play LK matches with Wingfield, the Wingfield account has to be activated. For that, only the personal DTB player ID is stored in the account. For the processing of a Wingfield-LK-Match, 12,99 Euro will be charged per player with a Basic Account, for Wingfield Pro members 9,99 Euro.
➡️ Help Center: Account-Activation
How it worksAfter logging in to the court with the activated account, the LK mode can be started at the Wingfield Box and the match can be played. After the match, the player confirms his result at the Wingfield Box and releases it for independent validation. If no inconsistencies are detected, the result will be automatically forwarded to the DTB after successful validation and will be included in your own LK at the next possible calculation time.
➡️ Explanation video: LK Matches with Wingfield
What to keep in mind
Generally, all players over the age of 13 are allowed to play LK matches with Wingfield. At the same time, the general conditions of participation apply, as for tournaments and medal matches. Each player must be a member of a club and have an active DTB ID number, which is stored in the personal Wingfield account. Within a period of twelve months, ten LK matches can be played with Wingfield and three times against the same person.
➡️ Help Center: Regulations for Wingfield Matches
➡️ Help Center: What you should think about before your LK Matches
3) Visibility in the Wingfield Court Finder
Use the Wingfield Court to position your facility as a LK location in your region. You decide whether your Wingfield Court should be listed in our Court Finder (also for non-members) as a "freely bookable court" - after all, it could also attract external players to your facility.😉
💡 Hint: Leave us a short message if you want us to mark your court as freely bookable. It's also best to send us the desired target URL to which we should link (tips on this can be found below). 🗺
⚠️ Warning: Unfortunately, we will not offer an integrated booking solution for the time being, but will redirect directly to your website.
Implementation ideas for freely bookable courts
Let's imagine the following scenario: A player checks our Court Finder to find out if a Wingfield Court is available in your region. The person will click on your club with the expectation of being able to either book a court directly on the landing page or at least receive information about the use of your Wingfield Court.
Of course, we do not want to lose the customer or even the potential new member. Therefore, you should definitely refer to a page that meets exactly these expectations and provides the information you are looking for. Basically you have two options:
- You link directly to your booking platform.
- You link to a specific page where you provide information about the individual use of your Wingfield Court.
You have... | Recommendation for the landing page | booking platform |
Specific Wingfield page where you can find out about booking options for all your courts.
...a booking platform only for indoor courts |
Specific Wingfield page on which you inform about the individual usage options for your outdoor courts, as well as a clearly visible link to the booking platform for the indoor courts.
...a booking platform for both indoor and outdoor courts |
Direct link to your integrated booking platform |